Today's Fuel Prices, per gallon: 100LL FS - $5.89 100LL SS - $5.69 JetA - $5.95
Today's Fuel Prices, per gallon: 100LL FS - $5.89 100LL SS - $5.69 JetA - $5.95
We look forward to serving your needs. Please review the information below and contact us for further information.
Book your corporate rate for Pryor Field
If you would like to book on or using the Marriott app, your corporate/promo code is E0561.
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Pryor Field Regional Airport currently has extensive waitlists for all hangar types. To be added to a waitlist, please fill out the following information:
Ultralight vehicles operating under 14 CFR Part 103 are provided an operating area to the east of Runway 18-36. Rules and Regulations detailing these operations may be found in Section 6 of the Pryor Field Regional Airport Rules and Regulations. A Consent and Hold Harmless Agreement is also required to be operating in this area. Proof of Insurance and the Hold Harmless Agreement must be submitted to the Airport Manager prior to commencing operations.
Copyright © 2021 Pryor Field Airport Authority - All Rights Reserved.
Pryor Flight Center | 256-355-5770